          《紅樓夢》治下的台灣(the Red Chamber like Taiwan) I've never read "the Dream of the Red Chamber", not even a sentence 酒店打工. I am certainly regarded as a sa 情趣用品vage in the standard of the late Qing Chinese civilization 訂做禮服 till now. But I found that I am familiar with the mood of it when I saw the pi 房屋買賣ctures. How weird it is. It must because the simi 租屋網lar features as good looking and charming, politeness and emptiness, luxury and the splendid visual effects etc. happen around 居酒屋us every day. And these are based on the experience of our generation to read the novel decades ago. You need and we need Jia Baoyu to accomplish t 信用卡代償he Dream. That is the root of ridiculous Taiwan politics today. 我從未看過《紅樓夢》!在某文化標準中,根本算不上是有「教化」的人。 剛剛接到網傳照片,見《紅樓夢》新劇 酒店工作登峰造極的華麗與虛無,卻非常「熟悉」。 怎麼會這樣?怎麼可能有此感覺? 這才猛然察覺:是否因為我(與類似網友)沒看過《紅樓夢》(比較醉心科普與古典音樂),所以對政治上的「俊俏」與「溫文儒雅」的魔幻手法較 土地買賣具有免疫力?? 紅樓(或瓊瑤,我也沒看過瓊瑤,以及電視鼓吹的奢華風與貴死人的包包)是現今台灣政治與人物百毒不侵的虛無根源?? 紅樓是怎樣的故事?明知繁褥酸腐,也要繼續奢華滅亡? 只要有紅樓,就永遠需要賈寶玉來畫龍 關鍵字廣告點睛。  .

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